A crib refers to a bed for infants and young children. There are many styles of cribs, and the functions and prices are also very different. When choosing, pay attention to the principle of combining safety and practicality. There are also some hidden safety hazards in the use of cribs. Parents should pay attention to them and eliminate hidden hazards in time. Whether the crib paint meets safety standards depends on whether it contains harmful ingredients such as heavy metals and formaldehyde.
Baby crib height
For toddlers, in order for them to learn to get in and out of bed by themselves without the risk of falling, it is best to choose a bed with a lower height. If there is enough space in the home, you can put a carpet or soft cushion around the crib for protection.
Baby crib board
The bed board should be firm and strong, and the adjustable bed board design is ideal. It can be adjusted at any time according to the baby’s height.